Dear Storyboard friends,
This letter began some weeks ago, as a note tap-tapped into my phone while a disconsolate heap of laundry waited for my attention.
If you’re new | Storyboard is a community for PNW Christian creatives that was inspired by Hutchmoot:Homebound 2021, when I spent one of the most magical weekends of my life sewing, crafting and eating while listening-watching lecture after lecture, presentation after presentation from Tennessee, the hub of the Rabbit Room.
A year later, I wrote a 15-page business plan, vision statement, mock event itinerary and mock marketing materials for an annual Christian arts conference to host right here in Whatcom County. In the spring of 2023 I launched the promotional social media, in the fall we launched the events, and a year later, we’d hosted 2 large events, 2 community meetups, 3 writers’ nights, and also published 2 digital magazines.
The community has been growing - that’s you. People have come together, their lives have been enriched, friendships have formed, and more art has been created because of your time at Storyboard events.
A primary reason I’ve had the capacity to host these events is the plain fact that I was single for much of the Storyboard story. Over 2024, my life direction changed, and marriage became not just a likely outcome, but an impending horizon for this ever-independent, over-scheduled social butterfly.
And I rejoice. A long-held dream is coming true, and my heart is now held by a man of deep character and sincere integrity. I’m thrilled to be his fiancée and in the not very distant future, his wife.
Over the summer, I began to see this life change on the horizon, and true to Tiffany form, started mapping out possible pathways to force everything to happen at the same time anyways.
Thankfully the Holy Spirit nudged me gently (and firmly too), over and over, to remember what happens when I do that: the central routines that support personal holiness, health and homemaking quietly fade away.
This is manageable and wise in short pushes, but how hypocritical would I be if I claim to serve God through hosting sincere, Christian events if my own Bible has been unopened for days? How can I claim a core value of hospitality if I don’t preserve energy for managing my own home?
And if I’ve seen that pattern play out during these single years, how much more could over-commitment cause damage in the fledgling early months of a marriage?
As my Mom has often said, “all change - even a good one - requires loss”. As my priorities shift, I can no longer devote multiple evenings a week to prepping for an intense event or pulling together a project at the office after-hours. At least for now, as I adjust to being a wife and while managing ongoing life responsibilities.
I’ve had lots of feelings during this process - fear that the beloved Storyboard crew will feel like they invested in something that’s fizzling out. Fear that I’m just incompetent if I can’t do it all. And sadness too - I love all things Storyboard and for however long it’s on pause, I will truly miss creating magic with you.
That was several weeks ago, and now the pain of questions and the flurry of “what-ifs” has turned into a settled peace. God reminded me over and over that when we obey Him and prioritize our work in His priority order, He will reward that.
Storyboard may be on hiatus for just a matter of months, or this may be a longer stop. I’m unsure at this point what the future will hold. But I’m so grateful for each one of you who has participated in projects, presented at events, given your creative energy and shown up as the kind, loving image-bearers that you are.
Until next time,
Congraulaions again and thanks for the wisdom from your mother. Take as much time as you need - storyboardwill be missed for however long but its not the end of the world. There are other oitlets for our creativity to fill the gap.